Why Holistic & Energetic Medicine?
It can help with

Autism spectrum disorders
Sports Injuries
Muscle Tension or Spasms
Spinal and skeletal problems
Hormone imbalances
Asthma/Respiratory issues

Pain Management
Cancer recovery
Weight Loss
High blood pressure
Poor concentration
Chronic fatigue

Meet Dr. Livia Boian
Natural Health Doctor
I am a Holistic Doctor, certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners as well as an EPFX/QXCI/SCIO Specialist of Quantum biofeedback. In 2006, I earned my Doctorate Degree in Natural Health from Clayton College of Natural Health as well as my Bachelors in Natural Health studies. Prior to becoming a doctor, I worked as a medical assistant in a pediatric office for 8 years.

Many of my new patients ask me: What is Holistic Medicine?
Classic medicine is one; Holistic means one, all together. You cannot separate it. Classic medicine is one part of Holistic Medicine. We cannot separate medicine into pieces. We can use different techniques and different approaches. That’s what I do. I see a human being from different perspectives – mind, body, spirit, environment and social life. By observing and evaluating these factors I can find the best way to help my patients. With a holistic perspective, we acknowledge that every human being is individual and unique. Holistic Medicine focuses on the patient not only on the disease. The disease is only a part of the bigger picture. It is one piece of the puzzle. I see health as a puzzle with many interconnected pieces. Food, environment, habits, genetic predispositions, symptoms, awareness, relationships and so on. They are all interactive and influence each other. Holistic medicine taught me about energy, about life force, about balance. I learned about the connection between organs, emotions and various bodily functions and how they support each other.
What is Energetic Medicine?
About 12 years ago I was introduced to a revolutionary system of diagnosis and treatment using bio-feedback and bio-resonance called the QXCI. I am now using a newer version called the SCIO. I use this advanced technological tool to help me clearly see all the pieces of the puzzle in a relatively short time. For example, your unconscious memorizes every little event that takes place around you. It is not strong information but it’s there. If the wind blows your hair, your unconscious registers it. If I accidentally step on your foot you will register this information on a higher level and react to it. Health is very dependent on these unconscious memories and information. From the moment we are conceived our unconscious starts memorizing everything that goes on in our universe, good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, toxic or beneficial. All this information goes into building who we are in essence. Using the SCIO I can detect factors that have been stored somewhere in the body, the first exposure before they show as physical symptoms; pathogens, toxins, viruses, allergens, emotional disturbance, mental toxicity and other things that are disturbing the normal function of the body. I am able to work on eliminating these stressors that cause disease before the disease can take root in the physical body. This is preventative medicine. Classic Medicine, rather than identifying and treating the cause of the disease, only treats the symptoms. This can drive the disease deeper into the body causing more serious and damaging conditions. The SCIO allows me to find the causes of the symptoms and disease and works on eliminating them. The SCIO machine does not cure. It is a tool to help evaluate the state of the patient’s body and to support it in it’s process of healing itself. I used the SCIO to support and stimulate the body’s natural healing ability and to identify its optimal nutritional needs.
Using very subtle frequencies at the patient’s unconscious level, the system measures the stressors, prioritizes them and then reduces or neutralizes their negative influence. It also helps support the body’s natural process to detoxify itself. Toxins are not only pathogens or heavy metals. They can also be mental and emotional toxins, which are hidden. The system is helpful and supportive. But it is up to the patient to be aware of the changes that are necessary and to take responsibility for his or her actions. The healing process is co-operative. You cannot buy health, I can make suggestions but it is up to the patient to follow through and make the necessary changes that will reduce the stressors that cause disease and lead to a state of balance that will result in better and sustained health and happiness.
What is Bioenergy?
Bio Energy healing as a therapy is based on re-balancing the body’s energy field. The human body is comprised of bone and tissue with billions of cells making up our organs, skeletal system and body parts. We also have a “Life-Force” field of energy pulsing not only through our nervous system but throughout every cell that forms our overall organism. It has been scientifically established that we are all basically made of energy. This is our primal life force which holds us together and gives us life. A field of energy surrounds the body called the etheric field and it is thought that disease and illness first originate in this field long before manifesting in the physical body. When we are healthy each cell in every part of our body is vibrating at its optimum frequency. Equally each organ is also operating at a particular frequency and so on throughout the body. However, when sickness or disease sets in a particular area of the body, the cells are no longer working and vibrating at their normal healthy frequency and so the body may experience illness. I re-establish balance and harmony to the client's energy field.
Your Health Starts Here
Contact Info & Service Agreement
Business by Appointment Only
Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
2760 Emerald Springs Dr,
Lawrenceville, 30045